In the most recent installment of the tragic tales of Sim John Kerry, our hero (?) sampled a number of potions he created with his chemistry set. None of them turned him into a zombie, as I had hoped, and one even had the audacity to cause someone to fall in love with him
...and this made her husband jealous
Sim Kerry did die a few times, but I never saved the game. Then I thought, "Hey, what if I did save the game, and just created a new Sim Kerry?" So that's what I did. I made a new Sim Kerry and moved him into his old house. The one that still had the old Sim Kerry's urn in it
Freaky, huh? It gets better. When he went to look for a job, the only job listed in the paper that day was for the "paranormal" career track. Here's SK in his work clothes
He tried to call up Bella--the one who is kissing him in the first panel above, but she wanted nothing to do with him. So he asked her husband Mortimer to come over. This time around, the two of them hit it off much better than before
In fact, they got along very
very well
So, Sim Kerry is rapidly moving up the paranormal career ladder (right now he is a successful hypnotist), he has found true love, and he hasn't been starved, drowned, bitten by a guinea pig, or turned into a monster recently. Not a very tragic tale, is it? Maybe it's even heading towards a happy ending.
Except--what have we here?
That translucent rather green looking fellow you see on the lower left is the ghost of the original Sim Kerry. Wonder what he's up to....