Playing the Sims Livin' Large, I had two potential goals for Sim Kerry. One was to get him to turn into a zombie. Yes, that sounds like a straight line, but LA*Mom posted that she wanted to see SK "embrace his true zombie nature" (or something close to that) and I wanted to oblige. Plus, the description of Sim zombies was such a hoot:

Life as Sim zombie isn't so bad. Your skin turns green, and all of your personality points drop to zero, but you can still have a job, get married, and have children. You just have no personality and are an unsightly color.

Also, puddleriver had expressed an interest in seeing Sim Kerry achieve "death by hamster"--which turned out to be guinea pig, actually. Apparently if you get a guinea pig for your Sim, but don't clean its cage, the guinea pig will bite you and make you sick. This sickness can be cured by buying a picture of a guinea pig and looking at it (strange game).

So, I set about trying to get one of these two outcomes to occur. I got Sim Kerry a guinea pig

and a chemistry set

In theory, one of the potions he could make with this chemistry set would turn him into a zombie. The other way one can end up as a zombie was by pleading with the Grim Reaper to spare you. The deal is, from what I have read, that you can play "Rock, Paper, Scissors" for your life. I further understand that the Grim Reaper can do one of three things--take you anyway, bring you back to life, or turn you into a zombie. So, I figured there was always the possibility of achieving both outcomes in the same game--the Reaper comes after a bout of guinea pig sickness, Sim Kerry pleads with him, and he becomes Zombie Sim Kerry. Anyway, onward...

Sim Kerry enjoyed quite a decent quality of life for a Sim I don't really like. His favorite activities--I had "free will" turned on much of the time--were playing the guitar

playing the piano

and swimming in his pool

but mostly playing the guitar. He'd rather play the guitar than eat. He would keep playing the guitar even when he desperately needed to go to the bathroom, leading to unfortunate consequences

Playing the guitar and piano so much gained him creativity skill points, and the swimming gained body skill points. This may partially explain the fact that Sim Kerry, in spite of the fact that he lived in a world created and ruled by an unsympathetic deity, did quite well in his law enforcement career, and kept getting promotions.

He also got boatloads of logic skill points for the time he spent making potions with his chemistry set. Cooking skills--not so much...

But mostly it was a good life, and he had friends he could talk with about common interests such a money

and sailing

and even when he was alone, he still had his best friend to talk to

Sim Kerry also adored cuddling his pet guinea pig

which, in turn, seemed to adore biting him

Even though I didn't ever have Sim Kerry clean the piggie's cage, for some reason the cage never got dirty. I finally figured out that the maid must be cleaning it. You rascal, you!! Had to get him to fire the maid, which, as you might imagine, he was reluctant to do.

But finally he did, and eventually Sim Kerry started coughing and getting tired easily, which I could only assume must by symptoms of the dreaded Guinea Pig Disease

But even when he was sick, Sim Kerry managed to keep working on creating potions

One of them made him invisible

One made him feel completely refreshed (no point taking a picture of that--it doesn't even look like anything happened, but this little caption popped up saying that he felt refreshed) and another made him feel really awful

Yet another potion turned him into a monster, but not the zombie I was hoping for.

The monster just stormed around the house breaking things, but eventually turned back to regular Sim Kerry, who then gained mechanical skill points by fixing the things he broke when he was a monster. One potion even cured his guinea pig disease. Um, no--not going to save the game after that one. And one potion even made someone fall in love with him. Hardly what I was going for...

At least she had a jealous husband

Well, eventually the Dreaded Guinea Pig Disease worsened. Sim Kerry was so miserable that the Sad Clown returned to torment him

Eventually, Sim Kerry dropped to the ground coughing, curled into a fetal position, and I saw that the Grim Reaper was on his way. I figured that was the opportunity to plead with old Grim and see if he'd turn S.K. into a zombie. But I couldn't find any sort of "plead with Reaper" command by clicking around the screen, and before I knew it, Sim John Kerry was The Late Sim John Kerry

...but I didn't save the game. If I restart the game, Sim John Kerry will still be alive. In fact, if I wanted to, I could always buy him that magical guinea pig picture to look at, and he'd be cured. We'll see. This is a lot like that Groundhog Day movie, come to think of it.