Happy Birthday
Demetrius !

I first made this page back in 2004. But recycling is good, right? Al Gore should be proud of me, at very least. :)

Demetrius is celebrating his birthday on Friday, August 17.

For the man who doesn't actually have everything, but knows exactly what he wants and has to pick it out
for himself, he's getting this web tribute page. And our wishes of heartfelt appreciation.
In other words, we can say to him what Flat Howard always seems to be saying...

No, thank YOU!


Demetrius started doing "grassroots graphics" during Howard Dean's presidential campaign.

Yes, he's "guilty" of this one...

And this...


He's done flyers for DFA 2.0

MeetUp Signs




Demetrius also created all the graphics you see at this CafePress shop. (Updated in 2007--he did most of the graphics. These days I make some of the designs too. He made the ones that are good.)


Post your own birthday message to Demetrius here.